Saturday, September 27, 2014

The Sims 3: New computer edition!

Hey guys! So about 2 weeks ago I got a new computer! It's really fast and runs the Sims 3 really well. I've been playing it A LOT. So, I took some screenies! This post is gonna be pretty long, so enjoy!

 Dem graphics.
 So my sim, Natalia, proposed to a townie, Hank.
 He seems pleased.
 This is their childling, Cooper.
 This is Cooper as a child hugging his sister, Hailey.
 It's Hailey's birthday!
 That bridge looks like the Kintai Bridge.
 Tomb explorin'!
 Hotel camp thing.
 Cooper eating food~

Hugs c:




 Teen Hailey!
 Her outfit is cool~
 Cooper's a teen!
 So, Natalia is having YET ANOTHER baby.
 Hank seems happy.
 Since Hank's a doctor, he can tell her the baby's a girl!
 Cooper's birthday again!

 He's not bad!
 Oh joy children
 Musical baby! The baby, fittingly, is named Viola.

 Hailey's birthday!

 Ahhh makeover
 Hank rolled the wish to adopt a kid so he did! This is Jason. He's...uhh..interesting.
 He likes purple~ The family is dressed in their favorite colors.
Jason: purple
Natalia: pink
Hank: sea foam
Hailey: yellow
Cooper: YELLOW
Viola: YELLOW.
 Family-ish picture!
 They need to use a pole to get upstairs because there's no room for stairs XP
 By the way, here's the house. This is the upstairs.
 Jason isn't good at going up.
 Here's his room! I like it.
 Hailey: MOVE.
 Viola's birthday1

 Makeover time!
Another victim of the yellow plague of the Goddards.
 Jason and Cooper are both computer lovers.
 Okay, next family. They're the Wigglesons and they're...special. This is Fredrick.
 Here they are...clustering.
 Lovin' the two pointy noses there.
 This is Bloob, their pet kid.
 He lives down here.
 And their house is on fire alREADY.
 Aaaand it's Fervlerv's birthday.
 OH GREAT. Grandpoo and FISH are on fire.

 Grandpoo dieded.
 Mommy's falling!! :0
 Oh good, FISH survived (yes, that's her name. Caps and all XD)
 Oh haiii Grim.
 nooo grandpoo
 Grim: he ded
 *cloud of nacho cheese*
 Fire ghost!
 How sad.
 Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that there were people crowding around.
 Also, Fervlerv went from teenager to elder in about 5 minutes.
 aaaaaaand ded
 Mommy looks upset.
 Fish went for a swim1
 Uh oh.
 Well, despite her name, FISH can't swim.
 Grim's back.
 And then there's this magical person.
 Swim Grim.
 I promptly killed the magical person.
 the pit creature  bloob seems to be doing well.
 Aaaand electrocution.
 Grim is busy!
 Cow: eeeeew daughter
Cow, the dad, brought all the ghosts back.
 Uh, Grandmoomy?
 Next game. This is Portia. She is the adoptive mom of about a zillion kids.
 Next game. This one consists of an old townie named Dudley and his girlfriend Jenni.
 oh lawd jesus its a fire
 OMG DUDLEY DIED! I swear, i wasn't trying to kill him!
 Hey guy.
 Grim: Dudley pls
 Grim stayed...
 and Jenni went into labor.
 Bad timing.
 Grim sat.
 Poor Jenni.
 Jenni sparkles!
 BABY! Even though the baby isn't Dudley's, she still names it after him.
 Dudley and Dudley.
 Jenni moved.
 :( :)
 Pretty mansion.

Thanks for reading! I hope you liked this big giant sims post. I'll post another once i get more screenshots.


oT SeRuTnEvDa!

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