Sunday, June 1, 2014

Brother and Sister 2.5

Hey guys! So a few days ago I was playing around with a really good camera that I used in Japan. I had Chloe and Xavier near me, so why not do a mini brother and sister post? I called this one 2.5 because I don't have enough pictures to call it a full one. On to the post! :D
 Here's a starter pic of my new Toralei to show you how good this camera is! This lens zooms in a lot. The pic above was taken several feet away!
 Now on to Chloe and Xavier! They're cloud watching.
Chloe: That one looks like a penguin!
 Xavier (with Chloe peeking in)
 Here's Xavier on the tomato cage!
Xavier: Why do tomatoes need cages?
 Chloe wanted to climb on it too!
The pair.

Thanks for reading! I hope you liked this short little post. I really like this camera.


TO Adventures!

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