Friday, May 30, 2014


I had to get that out. So yesterday was the last day of school. And today is the awards ceremony. Great.
And I'm gonna be on a plane in 3 days. Again. Excellent.
I'll try to update after the ceremony. c:
UPDATE: So I didn't get the highest average. One of my friends got it c: She deserved it. The ceremony dragged on for like an hour and a half. Kind of boring, but it was cool getting awards. Fabulous.


Sunday, May 25, 2014

Spore Things

Hey guys! So I've been playing Spore a lot for the past couple of days. I thought I'd just share some of my..uhhhhh...creatures.
 This is an Abenar. I don't really remember this one :P (ps. I randomized some of their names. I'm not good at naming) It kinda looks like a gecko-dinosaur hybrid. xD
This lovely creature is an Aliasta, one of my first creations. 
 This is an Ambrea. I dunno what to say about this one.
 This is a Blimper. It's kinda fat and blimpish so that's where it got its name.
 This...thing is a Dingus. Yes, that is its name. Kinda looks like a bird lizard.
 This majestic soul is Dr. Turd. I don't think this needs a caption.
 This is a Eae. It's like the missing link between cell and creature.
 Meet Fabulour. No comment.
 Introducing Greenabear. He's just a green bear(ish) animal.
 This beautiful, perfect beast is Harold. He is amazing.
 Here's Jerry. He's an odd, birdlike being. I created him yesterday.
This is a Jusla. Though frightening, they enjoy watching operas and drinking tea.
 This thing is a Kaiha. They're really tall.
 A Karru. Like a mix between an insect, a kangaroo, and some kind of reptile.
 This adorable little organism is a Mini. In game, they're actually really small. That's how they got their name. I made it today.
 Mr. Yoloswagalicous. Looks kind of buggish. It probably doesn't bite.
 A Niuar. Sort of endearing.
 Pegasai. Named for its wings and horn.
 This is a Penolrf. Don't even ask me how to pronounce that. It looks mean.

 Introducing Scaree. A little scary. Might be its lack of eyes.
 Say hi to Schnookums. They walk funny, but they're cute.
 This gorgeous individual is Sir Yoloswagalicous. Not Mr. Sir. There's a difference. The most majestic being that has ever been made.
 This is a Skyllin. This one is in my current game. Don't let its cuteness fool you. It's made like 5 species extinct. Don't mess with a Skyllin. Just don't.
 This is a Slither. Well, it used to slither until I put legs on 'im.
 Meet Sphero II. Named for its roundness. Looks like an old guy sorta. c:
 Sphero I. I forgot I already had one Sphero, so I named the one above the same thing. Oops.
Say hello to Urso. Looks like a cute little baby bear. Possibly the custest thing I've ever made.

Thanks for reading! I hope you liked my creations. Some of them are weird, some are cute, some are downright evil. But y'know. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Bye! c:

To Adventures

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Todd in Japan!

I'm back! :D I haven't posted because:
1) I was in Japan! :3
2) Because of school related things, I couldn't go on my computer. :c
But now I'm here. So, I took Todd to Japan with me, and got some pretty awesome pictures. Here they are!

So first, these are the pics of Todd in Kintai! Kintai is in the city of Iwakuni and has lots of stuff in it, like the Kintai Bridge, Kintai Castle, and more. c: Here he is on a rock!
 In front of the Kintai Bridge~
 Another pic.
 On the fencepost in front of the Kintai!
 This thing told us info about the bridge and stuff like that. I thought it was cool so I put Todd on it haha~
 In front of a sign (forgot what it says)
 On the bridge!
 I like the mountains in the background.
 Good thing his foot's magnetic. If he fell, he'd be gone forever! :c
 Sadly, we were too late to see the cherry blossoms. There were petals everywhere though!
 On a branch.
 On the ground.
 In front of a fountain (you can see a rainbow in the background c:)
 So we took a tram up a the mountain to see the castle~
 The view is amazing! I made it bigger so you can see better! :o
 I think he liked the view~
 I was just praying that he wouldn't fall.
 I had to hold him up haha~ Here's the castle!
 On a rock.
 He's not in this one, I just wanted you to see the view even better!

 The camera focused more on him in this one.
 View from the castle!
 On the rocks! We had to walk down the mountain :(
Here's Todd with some moss on his head! I think he's trying to hide haha

 These next pics are in Miyajima! We had to take a ferry to it since it's an island. Here is Todd enjoying the ride~
 I didn't get a picture of Todd with a deer, they eat anything! I don't want him being eaten by a deer!
 In front of the Torii!
 He's out of focus, but this is a pretty good pic of the torii.
 We took a tram up the mountain (another mountain!). There was another awesome view.
 made it larger.
 You can see the city of Iwakuni in background.
 The view from the other side!
Here's the torii after the tide went out~
 These next pics are in Hiroshima! The bullet train was awesome!
 Here he is in front of the bridge with the city in the background~
 Had to hold him up again, here he is in front of the A-bomb dome.
 DACHSHUNDS sorry i love these
The eternal flame, and the dome under the arch~

Thanks for reading! I hope you liked Todd's Adventures in Japan! I had lots of fun in Japan, and I may post more pics soon. c:

Also, happy belated birthday To Adventures! This blog turned 1 on the 11th (my aunt's birthday! :D)!
I'm going to Florida in 2 weeks. I'll post pics of that too.


冒険へ!(Japanese :3)